Tuesday, February 15, 2011

While riding

I sang while riding.
I became a robin
And whistled while riding.
I felt like a hero,
Turned into a philosopher
And became a poet while riding.
I gave heights to fantasies,
Imagined of meeting elephants
I felt like a springing deer while riding.

I felt like composing a fiction
And felt like living my entire life in that fantasy.
I explored my inner self while riding.
I wished to vapourise in that spell
Intermingle in the essence of the jungle
I wished to become climbers entwining huge saal trees
I wished to become wild orchid hanging from saal branches while riding.

I wished to become the sparkling water in the forest rivulet
I wished to become the music of the unseen crickets
I wished to become the endless sky caressing this virgin beauty on earth
I wished to exhaust all my affection on this purity while riding.

I forgot my world while riding.
I saw men with axe while riding.
I found roaring giant machines while riding.
I saw them treading over this beauty while riding.

I felt horrified at this sight
I cried for help and turned helpless while riding.
I saw the gusting black smoke puffed by long nostrils of those giants
I turned senseless and my fantasy broke while riding.
Guilt arrested me,
And the journey stopped there while riding.
And wheels stopped that riding.

-- Rakesh Kaushik

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